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How to Avoid Probate

We’re an elder law firm that helps folks with traditional planning as well as crisis planning. Many times when I’m working with a family after the death of a loved one, I do what we call fill up the buckets. The first thing I have to identify is the different types of assets that the …Read More

Life Insurance and Medicaid

We’re an elder law firm that helps with traditional planning as well as crisis planning, and many of us need benefit programs to get through that. And the main program that we use for long-term care is Medicaid. Medicaid helps when you are at a certain resource level to help cover that cost of care. …Read More

inheritance and medicaid

Inheritance and Medicaid

  We’re an elder law firm that helps folks with traditional planning, as well as crisis planning. And crisis planning does include Medicaid planning, helping to cover the cause of long-term care. And Medicaid is important because the average cost of long-term care here in Ohio is 10 to 12 to 14,000 a month, and …Read More


  We’re an elder law firm that helps folks through traditional planning, but also crisis planning. And crisis planning is long-term care planning, and that can include a Medicaid application. Medicaid is necessary because it helps cover that cost. And the cost of long-term care here in Ohio is 10 to 14,000 a month. So …Read More

Crisis Planning and Life Insurance

We’re an elder law firm that helps with traditional planning as well as crisis planning, and many of us need benefit programs to get through that. And the main program that we use for long-term care is Medicaid. Medicaid helps when you are at a certain resource level to help cover that cost of care. …Read More

crisis planning

Crisis Planning and Life Insurance

We’re an elder law firm that helps with traditional planning as well as crisis planning, and many of us need benefit programs to get through that. And the main program that we use for long-term care is Medicaid. Medicaid helps when you are at a certain resource level to help cover that cost of care. …Read More

Deceased Spouse's Debts

Settling a Deceased Spouse’s Debts

  We deal with traditional planning as well as crisis planning. And many of our clients are in an estate administration. So we’re settling up the affairs after a loved one passes away. And unfortunately, there can be some debt involved. If it’s a secure debt, like a mortgage or a note, that can be …Read More

medicare or medicaid

How are Medicare and Medicaid Different?

  How are Medicare and Medicaid Different? A lot of folks confuse Medicaid with Medicare. I commonly refer to Medicare as healthcare insurance, covering hospitals, doctors, prescriptions, and general healthcare coverage. Medicaid is long-term care coverage for most. It can be some indigency needs for income-based or resource-based. But the main purpose for us is …Read More

avoid guardianship

How to Avoid Guardianship

Christopher Lavin from the Lavin Law Group. We’re an elder law firm here in Lebanon, Ohio. A lot of our clients are struggling with long-term type illnesses. Many of them, unfortunately, have memory issues such as early onset of Alzheimer’s or dementia. Unfortunately, there’s a certain set of folks or group of folks that haven’t …Read More



A lot of folks will come to us and say, “What’s the best option with the house?” “How do I avoid probate?” “What happens if I get sick?” And I hear this more often than you would expect: “Why don’t I just give my house to my kids? I don’t ever plan on selling it. …Read More