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Estate planning: it’s ok to be charitable

Christopher W. Yugo, Times Business Columnist answers a frequent question in estate planning: Q: I intend to leave all of my money to two charities but I'm concerned that my children will object. I'm worried they will challenge the will. Is there anything I can do to make sure that my wishes are carried out? ...Read More

Plan a family meeting

Estate planning is vital to ensuring your family is properly taken care of after your passing, but almost equally important is communicating that plan to your family in advance. The below commentary was written by Estate planning columnist Curtis Kaiser. Last year, I met with a prospective client whose wife had passed away a decade ...Read More

Who are the biggest estate planning procrastinators?

One-in-five investors have yet to create an estate plan. Adrian Reyneri writes in her March 19th  article in Spectrum’s Millionaire Corner  who’s most likely to put off this important aspect of personal financial planning: Young investors Main Street investors Investors with little or no knowledge Women Do you fall into any of these estate plan ...Read More

Estate planning can be a jungle, and a guide can be invaluable.

There comes a time for a business owner to plan transition of ownership.  Before selling or giving a business to family members, the owner must devote thought to the outcome that he or she wants to accomplish. Regardless of the intended family recipient(s), all parents have to ponder and answer the following questions to determine their exit objectives: How much ...Read More

Celebrity Estate Planning goes awry Pt. 6

Whether famous or just regular folks, we are reminded by the following anecdote that a few extra steps in your estate planning will deliver on your intentions. Florence “FloJo” Griffith Joyner This Olympic sprinter wrote a will (which was a good estate planning act), but she never told anyone where it was.  The result left her husband was ...Read More

Celebrity Estate Planning goes awry Pt. 7

Whether famous or just regular folks,  we are reminded by the following anecdote that a few extra steps in your estate planning will deliver on your intentions. Heath Ledger The actor started out being an excellent estate planner for himself.  He drafted a will leaving everything to his parents and sister, but after the birth of his daughter ...Read More

Estate planning can be a jungle, and a guide can be invaluable.

There comes a time for a business owner to plan transition of ownership.  Before selling or giving a business to family members, the owner must devote thought to the outcome that he or she wants to accomplish. Regardless of the intended family recipient(s), all parents have to ponder and answer the following questions to determine their exit objectives: How ...Read More